Thursday, March 31, 2011

Adding Game Objects

This week I've been spending my time on implementing some simple objects into the game in preparation for my beta review next Tuesday. For the beta I will only be using simple primitive shapes (cube, sphere, and cylinder) but I'll eventually be adding in .obj support so that users can load in custom objects.

Here are some simple screen caps of the objects. I've set up some simple generic lighting to give the objects a little dimension, but shaders/textures will be a post beta feature.

A couple of cubes
Cubes are joined by their friend the sphere

I've also been working with the OpenNI/PrimeSense frame works to get input ready for beta. I'm working on getting it to the point where the interactions are exactly what I want for the final version (i.e. intuitive grabbing and moving/rotating). If I can't get that up and running in time I'm also considering a gesture based interface, where the user will make gestures with their hands which will change the mode of the program to allow different types of manipulation.

1 comment:

  1. Are you planning on using a physics system for these blocks or are you just going to have the objects stay where the user leaves them? I imagine trying to get a physics system in might be outside the time you have for the project, but I was just thinking of this PS3 game called "Tumble" that uses the Move to position blocks. It's interesting if you are still planning on doing head tracking, because getting an accurate sense of perspective is both important and difficult in that game.
